Dayton, OH – STI-TEC is proud to announce our award, in partnership with Targeted Approach, to provide Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) support and technical support to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) at the Pentagon. Our team will assist the J-8 Directorate to support CJCS in evaluating and developing force structure requirements. The J-8 conducts joint, bilateral, and multilateral war games and interagency politico-military seminars and simulations. It develops, maintains, and improves the models, techniques, and capabilities used by the JS and combatant commands to conduct studies and analyses for CJCS. Team STI-TEC will provide:
- Program Management Administrative Support
- JROC/JCB and FCB Secretariat Support
- JCIDS Gatekeeper and Analysis
- Capability Portfolio Management and Analysis
- Capability Analysis and Management
- Space Integration Analysis
- Functional Area Analysis